
ref reference

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ref reference为短语/超纲词汇
1. The poem contains an oblique reference to Queen Elizabeth.

2. Keep the dictionary on your desk for your reference.

3. During the 1960s and 1970s, politicians in my native country, India, used to wave the slogan "Stop the Brain Drain" — a reference to the fact that the cream of India was leaving for the lucrative shores of England and America.
    在20世纪60和70年代,我的祖国印度的政客们常常喊着"制止人才外流"的口号, 它所指的实际上是这样一个事实: 印度的精英们正在离开印度,到能够赚钱的国家——英国和美国去。

4. His very concepts of the true and the false will still have reference to his particular traditional customs.

5. There is always something to do in connection with it, from finding the right place for the latest addition, to verifying facts in reference books.

6. It was an important reference work and Humboldt made an instinctive grab for it.
